Dne 23. 3. 2017 se žáci 4. a 5.ročníku zúčastnili divadelního představení hraného v anglickém jazyce – pro žáky 4. ročníku to bylo představení s názvem Travel Machine, pro žáky 5. ročníku Fun Fair Murder Mystery. Divadlo se hrálo v tělocvičně naší školy a jak se žákům líbilo, o tom se vyjádřili sami.
Mgr.Pavlína Křenová
V příběhu šlo o to, že Kiki a mistr Suits byli na pouti a Kiki někdo zhypnotizoval a mistr se snažil zjistit, kdo to byl. Mistr si myslí, že to byl : a) vampír, b) klaun, c) vlk, d) doktor Franknstein. Nakonec zjistil, že to byl doktor Franknstein.
Divadlo se konalo u nás v tělocvičně. Moc se mi to líbilo. Bylo to hrané v angličtině. Herci přijeli až z Kanady. Něco nám i přeložili do českého jazyka. Bylo to napínavé. Všichni jsme pomáhali řešit, kdo zhypnotizoval Kiki. Mně se nejvíc líbil klaun, který Kiki nabídl bonbón a bylo jí z něho špatně. Moje hodnocení: 5 hvězdiček Karolína
Johnová V.C
Příběh je o krásné asistentce Kiki, která byla unesena nebo zavražděna a Mr. Suits se to snaží vyřešit . Mr. Suits najde videokameru, která mu bude sloužit jako důkaz. Když se na ní podívá, uvidí, jak asistentka Kiki tam je s vlkodlakem, klaunem, upírem a Dr. Frankensteinem. Nakonec se ukáže, že Dr.Frankenstein Kiki pouze zhypnotizoval a děti osvobodí Kiki kouzelným zaklínadlem. Moje hodnocení:****
Helena Martincová V.C
The funfair murder mystery
At the beginning they played some music and then Mr. Suits arrived. He did some strange things with balloons. Than he introduced his beautiful assistant Kiki. Mr. Suits called Kiki and... Kiki was gone! And the only thing what he saw was a camera with four videos...
First video was about werewolf. Kiki and the werewolf danced some Thriller and then the werewolf´s hair stuck to Kiki. The werewolf said: “Help me!” Kiki quickly removed the hair from her shirt and the werewolf said: ,,Thank you.,, And then he disappeared... So the werewolf is innocent... ”The camera is frozen!”, Said Mr. Suits. ”Let´s play another video, but this time about CANDY CLOWN...”
Kiki was here again, but there was a clown on her right side. The clown said: ”You must turn around three times and then hit the bull´s eye out. When you succeed, you will get a candy.”
She turned three times around and then she threw or... no! She put... Anyways she somehow got the ball to the bull´s eye and then the Candy Clown said: “Here is your candy.”
Kiki took the candy and when she ate it, her stomach began to ache. Kiki said “I don´t feel so good...” Then she drank some water and... she was OK again! So... the Candy Clown is inoccent.
Mr suits said: “The camera is frozen again, but there are still two videos left! Let´s play the third video.... ABOUT THE VAMPIRE.”
Kiki was with Vampire and he said: “I will teach you how to fly!” “Yes!!”, said Kiki.
“Ok so... grab my hand and do the same as I do...” “OK, but we are not flying!” The Vampire started sucking her blood and then he flew away. Kiki was lying on the ground and then she woke up and she was normal again. So the Vampire is innocent..
,,Our camera is frozen again, we must watch the last video, about DOCTOR FRANKENSTEIN...”
One glorious day he met Kiki and asked her: “Can you dance Tango with me?” Kiki said:”Yes!” So they started to dance. In about halfway trough dance he took a big shot and he poke the needle to her neck. She was hypnotized by him...
The camera is frozen again BUT! anyway we know that Kiki was murdered by DOCTOR FRANKENSTEIN!!! The end....
My comment:
I enjoyed it very much. My favourite character was werewolf, because I played him. It was very
funny and I will be happy if you will come again soon with another show!
Petr Volf V.B
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Základní škola Josefa Hlávky Přeštice, Na Jordáně1146
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